New Members

In the past, we have welcomed new members at any time.

However, over the past two years the membership numbers of U3A Northwest have soared, so early in 2023 a decision was made to take no more new members for the rest of that year.    The constraint on membership numbers arises from the capacity of the venue where the monthly meetings are held.

Renewal of membership subscriptions will start in February 2024, at which point taking in new members will be considered.  The new member intake process will now happen only in February and July of each year.

If you would like to register your interest to be a member, please do so here.

Alternatively, there are many other U3A groups in Christchurch and the Canterbury area who are welcoming new members.  You could investigate the website of U3A New Zealand where you will find a list of groups nationwide.




Making New Friends

"I joined at the beginning of 2015 and have really enjoyed the activities organised by this U3A. Having just returned to live in Christchurch from overseas, I've met so many people that I haven't seen for many years and have especially enjoyed the speaking and excursion programmes."